Why a Responsive Website Matters to Your Mortgage Business

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A responsive website is designed to automatically and seamlessly adjust the text, images, and navigational elements to the user’s screen -whether on a desktop or a touchscreen mobile device.

On the surface, it may not seem like a flexible website is all that important. However, when you dig a little deeper, you’ll see that it’s a huge deal for your business success online.

Responsive Websites Give Your Mortgage Business a Competitive Edge

The Proof

The number of people who access the internet via smartphones or tablets surpassed desktop users in 2014. In fact, recent findings from Pew Research Center show that nearly 77% of Americans own a smartphone.

What’s more –the average American checks their cell phone or tablet an average of 150 times a day!

But the rise of mobile technology and its influence doesn’t stop there. Mobile devices are also changing the way Americans buy homes.

The National Association of Realtors recently completed a study and found this information about your potential clients:

  • 89% of new home shoppers begin their online search via mobile
  • 68% of new home shoppers use their mobile at the onset and throughout the home search process
  • TV, billboards, and print media play a minimal role in research and decision-making for home shoppers

The Experience

Mobile responsive websites enhance the user experience by making the content easier to read and the site easier to navigate. But there are additional benefits that you may not know about.

When a potential client accesses your mobile-optimized site, it sends the message that your mortgage business is credible and progressive. Users that have a positive mobile experience are more inclined to use your loan services and recommend you to others.

On the other hand, if you frustrate a visitor with a site with misaligned text, large images, and impossible-to-find contact information, they will likely click out of your site and go to another website (possibly a competitor).

The Potential

Using a mobile-optimized site, like our mortgage website templates, also increases your visibility online! Google announced that mobile responsiveness is one factor influencing ranking in searches.

While some mortgage businesses use the old-fashioned way of having one site made for desktop and another for mobile, this is a costly mistake. Having two business sites with the same information means that your websites are competing against each other — possibly decreasing your ranking with Google.

On the other hand, one mortgage website that is mobile responsive and optimized with keywords creates the perfect storm for Google’s bot to find, index, and list it at a higher position for mortgage searches.

The growing popularity of mobile usage, its influence on home buying activity, and its role in user experience and search engine ranking are hard to dismiss. Mobile responsive mortgage websites are just as indispensable to your loan business as resourcefulness and drive are to a mortgage professional.

Test drive a mobile responsive mortgage website for free or call our helpful sales team to learn more. 888-377-1265


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4 thoughts on “Why a Responsive Website Matters to Your Mortgage Business

    • LHP blog Post authorReply

      Hello, Jerry! Excited to help you take your business to the next level. We’ve located your contact information and will be in touch soon.

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