LenderHomePage.com, the leading provider of cloud-based Digital Mortgage solutions has now integrated its SmartApp1003 platform with LendingTree to enhance lead quality while enhancing borrower experience.
Lenders within the LendingTree network can now take advantage of the “Apply Now” button which gives borrowers the option to extend their online experience and “continue on” after the long-form funnel to complete the full 1003 application (including: assets, employment, borrower e-disclosures, ….).
This means that a regular “lead” has now been converted to a “full application”. As you might imagine, this means that the borrower will most likely proceed with your company as opposed to your competition. Some recent deployments have shown as high as 200% improvement of lead quality.
Branded 1003 Application
All of the data already entered by borrower during the long-form funnel will automatically get pre-populated in SmartApp1003 and the borrower will simply pick up from where he/she left off.
LenderHomePage can create a 100% branded Landing Page for the SmartApp1003 and customize the app itself to match the style and look+feel of your website.
Import to LOS + Easy Reporting
SmartApp1003 is the most agile online 1003 available in the market today. Mobile responsive and 100% configurable. All apps import seamlessly into any LOS using Fannie Mae 3.2 compliant files and accurate and easy-to-digest reporting make the product an absolute no-brainer.
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